Sample gas conditioning and gas analysis in one compact housing.
An ideal solution for many monitoring tasks.
Biogas Monitor GO-BGM

The GO-BGM gas monitor is typically used in sewage treatment plants and landfill sites for fermentation gas analysis, emission monitoring, safety and process monitoring, combustion optimisation, air monitoring in fruit storage facilities, fermentation cellars, etc.
TÜV-approved versions are available for measurements according to the 13th BImSchV and TA Luft.
The GO-BGM gas monitor consists of the GO-PP1 sample gas cooling system and an infrared gas detector.
TIn the sample gas cooling system GO-PP, the sample gas is prepared (cooled and filtered if necessary) and then fed to the gas analyser. A peristaltic pump transports the condensate into a collection tank.
The infrared detector offers the possibility to permanently detect one to three infrared active gases (such as CO, CO2, NO, SO2, CH4) simultaneously. In addition, oxygen O2 can be determined with an electrochemical sensor.
Despite its compact design, the GO-BGM gas monitor can be equipped with numerous options, e.g. filters and condensate monitors to switch off the sample gas pump in the event of a moisture intrusion.
- Compact design
- Measurement of up to four
Gas components simultaneously - Maximum of three infrared-active gases
- Electrochemical oxygen measuring cell
- Customised
Extensions possible
- Aerosol filter
- Membrane filter
- Membrane filter with
Condensate monitor - Mains plug for heated gas sampling probe and
Heated analysis line - Temperature controller for
Heated analysis line - Bracket for heated
Analysis line